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Slideup-Modal by rigelglen

Better Awesome-er Easier Modals that Slide from the Top

Slideup Modals is well... as the name suggests, a modal that slides from the top, probably the easiest modal to deploy !


Chrome, Firefox 3+, Safari 3+, Opera 10+, Internet Explorer 7+ ( 6+ except for fixed positioning )

Launch the Bad Boy

Yeah this one Slides !

Using a bit of CSS, jQuery, We've created a sliding modal. Yeah from the top of the screen ( Just in case this popped up from the bottom
;) ) Like Mac modals this one pops up from the top !!! Built upon Zurb's Reveal Modal.... This one creeps up from the top


- Drop in the `slideup.css` and `slideup.jquery.js` into your HTML file. For example - Create the Modal, give it the class `slideup-modal` then add a unique id ( Can be anything, but Compulsary ) and drop in your content.

- Create the trigger ( Make sure it's an anchor tag ) and give it the attribute of `data-reveal-id` and set it equal to the ID of your modal

- Make sure the images have the correct path ! -Have Fun !



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